The Great Gatsby instaling
The Great Gatsby  instaling

The Great Gatsby instaling The Great Gatsby instaling

If you suspect this is your problem, download the See compilation errors such as node-gyp or sharp or binding.gyp not found. This might be your problem if, after running npm install on a Gatsby site, you This has been reported on Windows 10 圆4 (and possibly other This is true if you already have a regular. Sometimes the windows-build-tools won’t properly install the required If your windows-build-tools installation stalls after Visual Studio Build Tools finishes, this remedy might help. It will also install Python 2.7, configuring Upon installing this package, it downloads and installs Visual C++īuild Tools 2015, provided free of charge by Microsoft. Package by running npm install -global windows-build-tools -vs2015 on an admin PowerShellĬonsole. The recommended way to set up your build environment on Windows is to install the To do so, you need a functional build environment (Python and Visual C++ Build Sharp (a common Gatsby dependency used for image processing). Many Gatsby plugins and themes require building native Node.js modules, e.g. Setting up your environment for building native Node.js modules

The Great Gatsby  instaling